Landuse Mapping

Landuse Mapping for Valuation of Agricultural Property

Oklahoma requires county assessors to value agricultural property based on the landuse and soil types.

The landuse types are:

  • Timber
  • Native pasture
  • Improved pasture
  • Crop

We can map the landuse for a county based on aerial imagery. Once the landuse is mapped, landuse/soils acreages for each property can be automatically generated in MIMS or ArcView to make complying with the requirements quick and easy. We can provide the landuse layer to counties either as a MIMS file or a Shape file. We also provide training and assistance to counties that want to map or update their landuse themselves.  

Landuse Cleanup

We can also provide or assist with the following:

  • Updating an existing landuse layer to reflect changes
  • Identifying and correcting mislabeled landuse polygons
  • Identifying and correcting mismatched boundaries on landuse polygons